Do you have a question about women’s rights and women’s legal issues that you’ve always wanted to ask but had no one to ask? We would love to hear from you. We welcome all your questions and our legal advisors are waiting to hear from you. You can ask your question on any one of the following available platforms that are convenient for you. You can ask your question anytime but your questions will be answered during working hours. Our responses will be available whenever you log in next. Questions will be queued up and answered in the order received so it may not always be possible to get an instant response, but all questions will be attended to in the shortest possible time.


Ungabe ulombuzo na mayelana ngamalungelo abantu besifazana kanye lemithetho ephathelane labantu besifazane okade wafisa ukuyibuza kodwa kungelamuntu ongambuza? Singathanda ukuzwa kuwe. Siyemukela yonke imibuzo yenu njalo amagqwetha ethu alindele ukuzwa imibuzo evela kini. Ungabuza imibuzo ngenye yendlela ezilandelayo ozizwa ukhululeke ngayo. Ungabuza imibuzo iloba yisiphi isikhathi kodwa imibuzo izaphendulwa ngamahola wokusebenza. Impendulo zethu zizalandela nxa ungasebenzisa iloba yiphi ingxenye yokuxhumana lathi ulandela amanyathela alandelayo. Imibuzo izalandelwa ngendlela ebuzwe ngayo ngokulandelana kwayo ukuze kungabi lokukhethana kodwa yonke imibuzo izaphendulwa ngokuphangisa okukhulu kakhulu.


Une mubvunzo here kana chimwe chaungade kuziva maerarano nezvemitemo yakanangana nemadzimai? Tiripano kukurukura nemi tichibatsirana saka taurai nesu. Tinogamuchira mibvunzo yakasiyana siyana. Tichayedza kupindura mibvunzo yese panguva dzebasa. Shandisai SMS, Whatsapp kunyora kana kusiya voice note asi musingaridzi runhare, Facebook ne Email.

SMS TEXT MESSAGE TO No. 0774 261114

Just text your question from any network and send it to us on the given number.

Ungathumela umlayezo wakho kumbe Isms iloba yiluphi ucingo olusebenzisayo kunombolo eliziphiweyo.

Tumira message yako panhamba idzodzi.


Just type and send your question or record and send a voice note. Unfortunately, Whatsapp calling is not available. We will let you know if it becomes available.

Ungabhala umbuzo wakho nxa ubuza kumbe uthumele ngamazwi (recording). Silusizi kakhulu ngokuthi alenelisi ukusitshayela ucingo ngeWhatsapp. Uma lungatholakala ucingo sizalazisa.

Nyorai maWhatsapp kana kusiya ma voice note. Parizvino hatisati tava kutambira mafoni eWhatsapp. Tichakuzivisai kana tavakuatambira.


Visit our page and like us, follow us and ask your question in the comments section.

Vakatshela ikhasi lethu Thanda njalo ikhasi lethu wenelise njalo ukubuza imibuzo kungxenye ezilandelayo.

Tibatei paFacebook mufarire page yedu kuti titaurirane nekupanana mazano.

TWITTER @veritaszimwomen

Follow us and tweet your questions.

Silandele. Buza imibuzo yakho ukhululekile.

Titsvagei pa Twitter titauriarane.

EMAIL: [email protected]

Email us with your questions and comments.

Thumela imeyili ubuza umbuzo wakho.

Nyorerai tsamba pa Email tibatsirane.


The live chat button is the small chat bubble image in the bottom right-hand corner. Just click it and follow the instructions and type in your question. If we are online and available we will chat back instantly. If we cannot chat right away you can leave a message and we will see it and respond by email when we are back online.

Kukhona isithombe esincane se-bubble yengxoxo esandleni sokudla esezansi. Vele uhlabe ubusulandela amanyathela alotshiweyo. Sizaphendula nxa senelisa ukuxoxa ngaso leso isikhathi. Nxa singenelisi ukuxoxa ngaso leso isikhathi ungatshiya umbuzo wakho sizaphendula nge imeyili nxa siphenduka emoyeni.

Kana tiri pamhepo pakarepo munogona kutibata tototaurirana pakarepo. Munobaya pakamufananidzo ke blue kari pakona. Kana tisipo tinozopindura ne email tazodzoka.