Veritaswomen Blog
If you’ve got something to mention about women’s issues and rights this is often the space to share your ideas, opinions, and experiences. Join the Veritaswomen blog by starting a conversation and meeting people with opinions on women’s’ issues. Express yourself freely but refrain from using hate speech or vulgar language or generally demeaning people and their own views.
Kana uine zvekutaura maerarano nenyaya dzemadzimai nyora zvaunofunga ubatane nemhuri ye Veritas Women. Taura pfungwa dzako utange hurukuro. Asi tapota usanyore zvinoratidza ruvengo kana kunyora zvinyadzi kana kutuka nekudzikisira vamwe vanhu nepfungwa dzavo.
Nxa olukokukhuluma mayelana lendaba zabantu besifazana bhala imicabango lemibono yakho kumuli ye Veritas Women. Qala ingxoxo yakho uxoxisane labanye abantu. Siyalimukisa uzulu ukuthi angasebenzisi inkulumo ezitshengisa inzondo, ezithethisayo kumbe ukubhala ngolimi olubi olungeyisa imibono yabanye abantu.
Let’s talk about Child Marriages and Memory Machaya
Dominican Convent Drug Incident
A review of the Presidential Powers (Temporary measures) (criminal Law protection of Children and young persons) Regulations, 2024